Award: Up to £500

Eligibility: This award is open to anyone within five years of the award of their Doctoral degree. It is only open to members of the BSSH. 

Deadline: None. This is an open call.

Click here for an application form. Click here to read our Grant Making Policy.

The award is intended to help an individual undertake new original primary research in any area of sports history, which may lead to a demonstrable output in support of the charity’s goals (including publications). The fund may be used for, inter alia, research trips to archive (in UK and Abroad).

Funding is not intended to support trips to conferences, the hosting of, or attendance at, public events, the cost of food/drink while on research trips, capital expenditure, joint research projects with established academics, or already established academic projects within a higher/further education institution.

Applications for projects costing more than £500 will be considered, however, only a maximum of £500 will be reimbursed. The BSSH Trustees reserve the right to split the award should more than one project be deemed worthy of funding.

Requests for funding should be sent to the Postgraduate/ECR Representative

Your application should specify:

  • an outline of the project and its importance for sport history
  • a budget for the project
  • the amount requested
  • details of other bodies funding the project.

In addition to the application form, you are asked to submit a CV and a short written reference or letter of support for your project from a supervisor (for postgraduates), mentor or other academic.

Requirements for successful bidders

Successful bidders are to supply receipts for any award amount claimed. Any successful bidders are required to produce a report for the BSSH, which may be published online, about how funds have been used, and to present their research at either the BSSH Annual Conference or as part of the IHR Seminar Series if the practicalities of attending the conference are prohibitive.

Successful bidders are also required to recognise the help provided by the BSSH in all material disseminated relating to the project, including journal articles, public presentations etc., as stipulated by the Board of Trustees of the BSSH.


Finances from the award will be paid to the recipient retrospectively following the completion of the project/research trip, upon receipt of a full expenses claim.

Please address any questions in the first instance to Postgraduate/ECR Representative